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Current Issues Spring 2003

The Cartoons
by Franko

Beagles? We've got all kinds

Registrar's Reflections

As a child the Registrar wanted a dog. The dog pound warden helped them circumvent a parental stipulation.

Click on the image to read the Registrar's latest reflection.


Recycled lawyers, grey-hairs and veterinarians.

When an act become unprofessional

I began reading this article from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS). The quotes from the article were classically snooty, stuffy, grey-haired and boring.

The article desperately needed a cartoon. The more I read the article, the more my head hurt. The best I could do was to recycle an old cartoon to try and suck readers in to the same headache.

Parallel live trade

Ethics In Live Animal Export

As this article goes to press in September 2003, a sheep ship with 46,000 live sheep has become a focus of attention in the general media after the cargo was rejected by the purchaser. This leaves the sheep adrift in the Persian Gulf.

I couldn't suppress the urge at the opportunity to draw a blatant anthropomorphic cartoon.

Yes, they are vets in the back of the truck. Looking at it now one of them should have their leg caught between the side slats.


Long live trim dogs

Effects of diet restriction on life-span

Is death walking your fat labrador?


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